Day 36

Chest, Back,  Calves and Abs
Muscle Group Exercise


Wt Reps Sets Rest Method
Cardio Spinning Bike A - - - - Perform 12 minutes warm up.

Perform light weight rotator exercises prior to chest program for warm-up.

Chest Bench Press B 85% 5 5 2 min Explosively Perform on Olympic Bench
DB Flyes B 70% 10 5 1.5 min NEW EXERCISE - Rhythmically. Perform using cable crossover machine. Keep feet planted firmly parallel to each other. Lower cable handle to slightly above elbow position. Alternate left and right sides after sets of 10.
Cable Cross - overs B 50% 30-40 5 1.5 min Continuously Perform Standing on one leg alternating each set
Back T-Bar Row C 85% 5 3 2 min Explosively. Rotate shoulders forwards and down for stretch and up and back to lift weight. Slight arch in upper mid back ONLY, not lower back. Perform two warm-up sets using light weight in a rhythmical manner.

Front Wide Pull Down

C 70% 10 Rhythmically and perform with palms facing outwards, elbows below bar and to just below chin.

Reverse Hyper Extensions

C 50% 20-30 Continuously. perform as shown in photo breathing in when raising legs, out when lowering. 
When doing calves, perform as a two-stage exercise: stretch at bottom to mid-point, then extend to lock out position and hold. 
Calves Inverted Press B 85% 5-8 4 2 min Explosively. Perform two warm-up sets using light weight in a rhythmical manner. Lower slowly in control and hold at bottom of lift for a two second count.
Seated B 75% 8-10 4 1.5 min Rhythmically
Standing B 50% 30 4 1.5 min Continuously, perform on calve board using DBs and both legs at the same time. Perform from full stretch position to full extension.
Anterior Tibia Toe Raise B 65% 15 3 2 min Same as last week. Perform as a "flex and hold" exercise for a 3 count. Lower, raise and 3 count counts as 1 rep.
Abs Hanging leg raise A BW 15-20


1 min Rhythmically
Russian Twists A 10 lb 15 3 1 min Use 10 lb medicine ball and perform on Core ball. Keep upper back on ball and reach back and across the body with MB, crunching brining ball to above chest and down to opposite side. Repeat back and forth (1 rep).


Spinning Bike






Perform 15 minutes cool down.


Day 37 Legs and Shoulders ( you'll love this day - easy!)
Muscle Group Exercise Grp Wt Reps Sets Rest Method
Cardio Spinning Bike A - - - - Perform 12 minutes warm up.
Step Ups A 70% 15 8 * Lower weight in control, moderate lift speed, maintain control. Keep Rhythmic movements, breathing in when lowering the weight, out when stepping up. *Perform using mini board alternating for each set of 10 continuous (left then right side)
Bike Sprints A mod. 30 rev 6 30 secs This exercise will become a mainstay of your program. Bike sprints are for anaerobic power. In this exercise make sure that you use a stationary bike, not the computer kind. Set the tension at moderate. Start pedaling to maximum speed. Once max. spd. is reached, start counting at 1 revolution for left and right leg. After thirty rev. slow down to approx. 60 rpm for 30 secs and then sprint again. Repeat.
Hamstrings Seated Curls A 75% 10 3 1 min Rhythmical
Ball Ham Curls A * 12-15 3 1 min Perform hamstring curls on Core ball. See photo for description.
Ham Stretch curl 











1 min

Alternate legs after each set. Keep alternating until sets completed
Perform rotator exercises for warm up as in previous training days.


Upright Rows





2 min

Explode upwards, lower in control. Perform two warm-up sets using light weight in a rhythmical manner.

Reverse Flye





1.5 min


Arnold Press






1.5 min

Continuously using core ball (sitting with one leg on floor) or wobble board on box with feet off floor. See Diagram


Spinning Bike






Perform 15 minutes cool down.


Day 38

Triceps, Biceps, Forearms,  Calves and Abs
Muscle Group Exercise


Wt Reps Sets Rest Method
Cardio Spinning Bike A - - - - Perform 12 minutes warm up.
Triceps Prone French Press B 85% 5 4 2 min Warm-up sets to training weight.
Dumbbell Press B 70% 10 4 1.5 min Perform sitting on core ball. Vertical Press Use one arm at a time and two feet on the ground. Reach high over head then lower weight to stretch point and extend, rotating wrist upwards.
Reverse Cable Press B 50% 30 4 1 min Palms upwards in reverse grip.
Biceps Straight Bar Curls B 85% 5 5 2 min Perform Rhythmically
Cable High Curls B 70% 10 5 1.5 Perform Standing on one leg alternating leg as you alternate arm.
Zottman Curls B 50% 30-40 5 2 min Perform standing on wobble board. Maintain balance as best as you can.
Forearms Standard Curl B 85% 5-8 5 1.5 Explode upwards, lower in control. Perform two warm-up sets using light weight in a rhythmical manner.
Reverse Curl B 70% 10-12 5 45 sec Rhythmically
Gripper B 50% 30-40 5 1 min Continuously, use the finger action to pull the weight up, limit thumb action. See WRISTS
Calves Standing A 65% 20 8 1 min Explosively - use DBs on calve board - free standing, no support. Perform two warm-up sets using light weight in a rhythmical manner.
Stepper A Mod 20 8 30 sec Rhythmically. Use a stair climber under moderate tension. Use only the calves to push the pedals down alternately of course from side to side. perform 20 each leg, use thighs for 30 sec rest (lightly) then repeat work / rest.
Abs Ball Twists A * 15 6 45 sec. Using medicine ball or DB, place one leg on the floor and perform cross crunches
Ball Side Crunches A * - - - Lock feet into wall/floor corner with ball just above hips. Elbows high and hands on top of head fingers crossed. Stretch by lowering body and then raise by side crunching. Breathe in when stretching, out when crunching.








Perform 15 minutes cool down.


Day 39

Legs and Shoulders ( you'll love this day - another easy one!)
Muscle Group Exercise Grp Wt Reps Sets Rest Method
Cardio Spinning Bike A - - - - Perform 12 minutes warm up.
Step Ups A 70% 15 8 * Lower weight in control, moderate lift speed, maintain control. Keep Rhythmic movements, breathing in when lowering the weight, out when stepping up. *Perform using mini board alternating for each set of 10 continuous (left then right side)
Bike Sprints A mod. 30 rev 6 30 secs This exercise will become a mainstay of your program. Bike sprints are for anaerobic power. In this exercise make sure that you use a stationary bike, not the computer kind. Set the tension at moderate. Start pedaling to maximum speed. Once max. spd. is reached, start counting at 1 revolution for left and right leg. After thirty rev. slow down to approx. 60 rpm for 30 secs and then sprint again. Repeat.
Hamstrings Seated Curls A 75% 10 3 1 min Rhythmical
Ball Ham Curls A * 12-15 3 1 min Perform hamstring curls on Core ball. See photo for description.
Ham Stretch curl  A









1 min

Alternate legs after each set. Keep alternating until sets completed
Perform rotator exercises for warm up as in previous training days.


Upright Rows





2 min

Explode upwards, lower in control

Reverse Flye





1.5 min


Arnold Press






1.5 min

Continuously using core ball (sitting with one leg on floor) or wobble board on box with feet off floor. See Diagram


Spinning Bike






Perform 15 minutes cool down.


Day 40

Triceps, Biceps, Forearms,  Calves and Abs
Muscle Group Exercise


Wt Reps Sets Rest Method
Cardio Spinning Bike A - - - - Perform 12 minutes warm up.
Triceps Prone French Press C 85% 5 3 2 min Warm-up sets to training weight.
Dumbbell Press C 70% 10 Perform sitting on core ball. Vertical Press Use one arm at a time and two feet on the ground. Reach high over head then lower weight to stretch point and extend, rotating wrist upwards.
Reverse Cable Press C 50% 30 Palms upwards in reverse grip.
Biceps Straight Bar Curls B 85% 5 5 2 min Perform Rhythmically
Cable Curls B 70% 10 5 1.5 Perform Standing on one leg alternating leg as you alternate arm
Zottman Curls B 50% 30-40 5 2 min Perform standing on wobble board. Maintain balance as best as you can.
Forearms Standard Curl C 85% 5-8 3 2 min Perform two warm-up sets using light weight in a rhythmical manner. Explode upwards, lower in control
Reverse Curl C 70% 10-12 Rhythmically
Gripper C 50% 30-40 Continuously, use the finger action to pull the weight up, limit thumb action. See WRISTS
Calves Standing B 80% 8 5 1 min Explosively - use DBs on calve board - free standing, no support
Seated Cave B 70% 12 5 30 sec Rhythmically. Use a stair climber under moderate tension. Use only the calves to push the pedals down alternately of course from side to side. perform 20 each leg, use thighs for 30 sec rest (lightly) then repeat work / rest.
Stepper B 50% 30 6 30 sec Rhythmically. Use a stair climber under moderate tension. Use only the calves to push the pedals down alternately of course from side to side. perform 20 each leg, use thighs for 30 sec rest (lightly) then repeat work / rest.
Anterior Tibia Toe Raise B 65% 15 6 1 min Perform on seated calve machine. Rhythmically. 


Decline Crunch





2 min

Use decline free Olympic bench or if you have a adjustable decline situp bench in your gym (or Roman chair) perform situps holding onto 35lb plate or higher to get 8 reps. Roll up (keep lower back against pad). lower slowly.

Hanging Straight leg raise




Keep legs straight and raise to left side and then to right side (slightly twist and crunch). ROLL LOWER BACK OFF PAD do not throw legs up and swing hips off pad. Lower and stretch.

Cross Crunch




balancing on ball, perform alternating leg raise (left knee to right elbow) while keeping one foot on the floor changing feet and elbow to perform second rep. Alternate left and right sides (changing foot on the floor on the switch)








Perform 15 minutes cool down.


Day 41

Chest, Back
Muscle Group Exercise Grp Wt Reps Sets Rest Method
Cardio Spinning Bike A - - - - Perform 12 minutes warm up.

Perform light weight rotator exercises prior to chest program for warm-up.

Chest Bench Press C 85% 5 3 2 min Explosively Perform on Olympic Bench
DB Flyes C 70% 10 Rhythmically Perform on core ball.
Cable Cross - overs C 50% 30-40 Continuously Perform Standing on one leg alternating each set
Back T-Bar Row B 85% 5 4 2 min Explosively. Rotate shoulders forwards and down for stretch and up and back to lift weight. Slight arch in upper mid back ONLY, not lower back.

Front Wide Pull Down

B 70% 10 4 45 sec Rhythmically and perform with palms facing outwards, elbows below bar and to just below chin.

Reverse Hyper Extensions





1 min

Continuously. perform as shown in photo breathing in when raising legs, out when lowering. Do not arch back, bring legs up to parallel position only. Stretch out back when completed (last exercise).


Day 42

 Week two completed. Take the day off. Proper diet and rest