Training Schedule WEEK NUMBER 1  Starting April 29th, 2005

Each muscle group is hyper-linked to exercises depicted in photo format. PLEASE NOTE: The following program is not designed to be a beginner program. A pre - training regiment should have been performed at least 4 weeks prior to starting this program.

Day 1 Chest, Back, Abs and Calves
Muscle Group Exercise Grp Wt Reps Sets Rest Method
Cardio Spinning Bike A - - - - Perform 12 minutes warm up. *Alternate aerobic as desired if bike not available.
Chest Dips B 75% 10 3 2 min Continuously. Perform two warm up sets with (feet on a bench or narrow hand position pushups) prior to starting.
Incline Bar Press B 70% 10 3 2 min Continuously. Keep elbows forward and forearms in a parallel position.
Bench Press B 50% 30-40 3 2 min Continuously. A "two- breath" system should be used for this exercise. Perform two reps (raising and lowering) for each inward and outward breath (up and down twice - breath out, up and down twice breath in). 
Back T-Bar Row (or machine row) B 85% 5 2* 2 min Rhythmically - Elbows low position, close to body. Hands / palms facing inwards.
Wide Pull Down B 70% 10 2* 2 min Rhythmically - Front position - correct stretch at  top of lift. Concentrate on primary movers (lowering of shoulders when pulling weight down and raising of shoulder when returning to start position).
Hyper-extensions * BW 15 3 1 min Rhythmically - Upper body to parallel. Do NOT Hyper-extend
Calves Standing Raise B 85% 5 3 2 min Explosively - Smith machine or Inverted Leg Press.  Two warm-up sets of 15-20 reps should be performed first.  Lower weight slowly and in control for a two second count.
Seated Raise B 70% 12 3 2 min Rhythmically
Abs Hanging leg raise * 70% 15 4 1 min Rhythmically
Russian Twists * 70% 15 4 1 min Rhythmically


Spinning Bike






Perform 15 minutes cool down.


Day 2

Legs , Shoulders and Calves
Muscle Group Exercise Grp Wt Reps Sets Rest Method
Cardio Spinning Bike A - - - Perform 12 minutes warm up.
Legs Leg Press / Squats A  65% 15 3 2 min Deep squats, butt to heels, warm-up sets to training weight. Perform Ankle balance exercise on mini-board 30 sec per foot between each set. Use front squats or if uncomfortable with front squats, smith machine squats can be done. What is important here is that the hip flexion angle (upper body to thigh) is controlled. In players that have too much "forward lean" in their skating style, this action can over train the gluteals where the lower thighs must be emphasized. 
Step Ups A 75% 10 3 2 min Change feet at top of box. Lower weight in control, moderate lift speed, maintain control. Perform Ankle balance exercise on mini-board 30 sec per foot between each set.
 Inverted Press A 75% 10 3 2 min Wide foot position. Weight usage in this exercise is a little misleading. This is an isotonic exercise where, once lowering the weight to parallel thigh position, the weight is held there for 3 seconds then pressed upwards. Due to methodology, using 60% of 1RM would probably be more appropriate from a mental standpoint.
Hamstrings Seated Curls A 75% 10 3 1 min Rhythmically
Ham Stretch curl  A 40% 20 3 1 min Alternate legs after each set. Keep alternating until sets completed. This exercise is a "dynamic stretching" exercise. Extend and flex lower leg in a position where a slight stretch will be felt in the hamstrings.
Shoulders Upright Rows B 85% 5 3 2 min Perform a couple of light continuous repetitions before starting training set.  Explode upwards, lower in control
Side Laterals B 70% 12 3 1 min Rhythmically. Make sure that the palms remain in a downward position, not rotating upwards.
Reverse Flye B 50% 30-40 3 2 min Continuously
Calves Standing Raise A 70% 12 6 1 min Explosively. Perform free standing with dumbbells (using calve board).
Seated Raise A 70% 12 6 1 min Rhythmically


Spinning Bike






Perform 15 minutes cool down.


Day 3

Triceps, Biceps,  Forearms, Calves and Abs
Muscle Group Exercise Grp Wt Reps Sets Rest Method
Cardio Spinning Bike A - - - - Perform 12 minutes warm up.
Triceps Triceps Press B 85% 5 3 1 min Continuously using straight bar.  Perform one warm-up set of 20 and then one of 10 before starting.
Reverse Press B 70% 12 3 1 min Use Knurl Bar Rhythmically
Vertical Press B 50% 30-40 3 1 min Continuously. Perform with a dumbbell in each hand or a "knurled" bent bar. Use a two breath system (raise and lower weight twice - one breath out, raise and lower weight twice - one breath in).
Biceps Bar Curls B 70% 20 3 1min Explosively. Try to bring weight up as fast as possible lowering to thighs quickly. Perform two warmup sets of 10 raising and lowering weight in a rhythmical manner.
Zottman Curls B 70% 10 3 1 min Rhythmically. Keep elbows by sides turning weight over simultaneously at the top and bottom of the lift.



50% 30-40 3 1 min Continuously. DO NOT COMPLETELY EXTEND ELBOWS.
Forearms Standard Wrist Curls B 85% 5 3  2 min Explosively. Perform two warm-up sets using light weight in a rhythmical manner.
Reverse Curls B 70% 10 3 1 min Rhythmically
Gripper B 50% 30-40 3 2 min Continuously
Abs Hanging leg raise A BW 15-20


1 min Rhythmically
Russian Twists A 10 lb 15 3 1 min Use 10 lb medicine ball and partner to stand on toes. If no partner then a 10 lb plate can be used. Keep lower back flat to mat.


Spinning Bike






Perform 15 minutes cool down.


Day 4

Legs , Shoulders and Calves
Muscle Group Exercise Grp Wt Reps Sets Rest Method
Cardio Spinning Bike A - - - - Perform 12 minutes warm up.
Legs Leg Press / Squats A  65% 15 3 2 min Deep squats, butt to heels, warm-up sets to training weight. Perform Ankle balance exercise on mini-board 30 sec per foot between each set.
Hack Squats A 75% 10 3 2 min Change feet at top of box. Lower weight in control, moderate lift speed, maintain control.
 Step ups A 75% 10 3 2 min Wide foot position. Rhythmical lift in control both ways. Perform Ankle balance exercise on mini-board 30 sec per foot between each set.
Hamstrings Seated Curls A 75% 10 3 1 min Rhythmically
Ham Stretch curl  A 40% 20 3 1 min Alternate legs after each set. Keep alternating until sets completed. Perform as explained in previous workout.
Shoulders Upright Rows B 85% 5 3 2 min Explode upwards, lower in control. Perform two warm-up sets.
Arnold Press B 70% 12 3 1 min Rhythmically
Reverse Flye B 50% 30-40 3 2 min Continuously
Calves Standing Raise A 70% 12 6 1 min Explosively
Seated Raise A 70% 12 6 1 min Rhythmically


Spinning Bike






Perform 15 minutes cool down.


Day 5

Triceps, Biceps,  Forearms, Calves and Abs
Muscle Group Exercise Grp Wt Reps Sets Rest Method
Cardio Spinning Bike A - - - - Perform 12 minutes warm up.
Triceps Tricep Press C 85% 5  2* 3 min* Explosively immediately into;
Reverse Press C 70% 10 Rhythmically, immediately into,
Rope Press C 50% 30-40 Continuously, rest for 3 minutes and repeat one more time.
Biceps Bar Curls C 85% 5 2* 3 min* Explosively, immediately into;
Zottman Curls C 70% 10 Rhythmically, immediately into;
Preacher curls  C 50% 30-40 Continuously, rest for 3 minutes and repeat one more time
Forearms Standard Wrist Curls C 85% 5 2 * 3 min* Perform two warm-up sets using light weight in a rhythmical manner then: Explosively, immediately into;
Reverse Curls C 70% 10 Rhythmically, immediately into;
Gripper C 50% 30-40 Continuously, rest for 3 minutes and repeat one more time
Calves Standing Calve B 75% 12 6 1 min Perform two warm-up sets using light weight in a rhythmical manner. Perform explosively through full range of motion. Use free standing with DBs on calve board
Seated Calve B 75% 12 6 1 min Rhythmically through full range of motion
Abs Hanging leg raise C 85% 5-8 3 3 min Rhythmically in control, use ankle weights or hold DB with feet
Russian Twists C 70% 10-12 Rhythmically, again use partner to stand on toes for support. 
Scissors C BW 30-40 On back bringing alternate elbow to knee left to right, right to left continuously. Make sure to extend legs (maintaining a height at the end of extension at about a foot off the ground while keeping lower back pressed into the floor).


Spinning Bike






Perform 15 minutes cool down.


Day 6

Chest and Back
Muscle Group Exercise Grp Wt Reps Sets Rest Method
Cardio Spinning Bike A - - - - Perform 12 minutes warm up.
Chest Bench Press C 85% 5-8 2 3 min Perform two warm-up sets using light weight in a rhythmical manner. Perform explosively, immediately into
Incline Press C 75% 10-12 Rhythmically, immediately into
DB Flyes C 50% 30-40 Continuously, take a 3 minute break between sets. Perform as 3 sets of 10.  (first 5 reps only bring the DBs from full extension to half way down then push back up. last five reps go all the way down. go directly into the next 10 and perform the same way) 5-5-5-5-5-5 for a total of thirty.
Back Seated Row - T Bar pull  B 85% 5-8 4 2 min Palms facing upwards (curl grip) Breathe in on exertion, explosively.
Wide Pull Down B 75% 10-12 4 2 min Front position, rhythmically
Hyper-extensions B 65% 20 3 2 min Continuous, keep momentum in control, do not hyperextend.


Spinning Bike






Perform 15 minutes cool down.


Day 7

 Week one completed. Take the day off. Proper diet and rest