Week No. 3 

 (E) Explosive - Substitute for C

In this week you will be training three per day.  This includes cardio and sport specific training. Time to get committed. You can break up your program anyway you like depending on your job commitments but it is important to get the components in that are necessary. These include: 

Anaerobic, aerobic, foot speed, explosive power and muscular endurance. 

It is absolutely necessary to get the right amount of protein, carbs, vitamins and minerals over the next 6 weeks. As well, rest is important. Take a look at the wheel below. hGH release builds muscle. Eat, rest and train hard.


Maximum Heart Rate (MHR) 220 - your age.


Max. HR




























Total Carbs

Mea 1

Meal 2

Meal 3

Meal 4

Meal 5

Meal 6


4 egg whites

1 egg yolk

1 cup oat meal

1 banana

4 oz tuna in water

1 cup rice

3 cups cauliflower

4 oz turkey meat

1 med. Potatoe

1 cup corn

4 oz snapper

1 cup pasta

1 cucumber

4 oz chicken

1 medium yam

1 cup asparagus

6 egg whites

1 egg yolk

2 med potatoes


8 egg whites

2 egg yolks

2 cups cream of wheat

5 oz tuna in water

2 cups rice

4 stalks celery

8 oz lean ground beef

2 cups lentils

7 oz chicken

2 large potatoes

1 cup carrots

7 oz cod

2 cups corn

1 cup peas


8 egg whites

2 egg yolks

2 medium yams

Protein shakes can substitute meals either in the morning (meal 1), afternoon (meal 3, 4) or in the evening (meal 6). Two maximum.


Day  14 Monday Chest, Back and Abs
Muscle Group Exercise Group Wt Reps Sets Work Rest Method
Cardio Early AM Run, Bike, etc. 45 minutes Warmup first and then train at 65% MHR.
Stretch Post workout 15 minutes
Diet As per workout wheel Supplements
Cardio Early AM Spinning Bike Pre-workout  10 minute warmup
Chest Bench Press E 70% AMAP 20 10 sec 20 sec Perform first set of 10 reps at a moderate pace "feeling the exercise". Wait 30 sec and repeat increasing tempo. Perform 3rd set again increasing tempo. Wait 30 secs and then start exercise. 10/20/10/20...etc. till finished.  
Cable Flyes E 65% 20 8 * 45 sec Some Gyms do not have an adjustable cable rack. Mine does. If yours does not then use low cable position and perform as incline crossover with arm in low position finishing at eye level across mid line of body, Keep arm straight.  Perform these exercises standing on one leg and using only one arm at a time. Alternate L arm/right leg - R arm/left leg, L arm/left leg - R arm/right leg then 2 min break and repeat. This is (1) set. No rest between first 4 sets.
Cable Crossovers B 65% 20 8 * 45 sec


Narrow Chins





10 sec

20 sec

Remember warm-up sequence. In all chin exercises, lower to almost full extension and raise body weight so that arms are pulled to below parallel position. PERFORM AS MANY REPS AS POSSIBLE IN TIME ALLOTTED even if you can only do 1 or 2.

Wide Front Chins





10 sec

20 sec

Pull body weight up to chin level.

Single arm standing pull






30 sec

Using cable crossover rack, perform using medium cable position (if you cannot adjust cable for medium position use low cable position) . Standing on one leg pull using single handle. Use only one arm at a time. Stretch at extension and pull in tight to the body.  At end of stretch palm should be facing downward rotating to an inward position pull.  Perform L/R rest.


Hanging Leg Raise






30 sec

Perform using arm slings or leg raise stand.

Russian Twists






20 sec

Knees bent, partner standing on toes for support. Three position Left side (45 degree up and away from body), Mid (over head) and Right Side (45 degrees up and away from body). Use abs to through ball or obliques (sides)

Standing Side Throw






30 sec

Standing with feet shoulder width apart holding on to 10-15 lb medicine ball, start with ball to side and toss to partner, catch on return and rotate to opposite side and throw back. Alternate side to side (counts as 1 rep) then rest.


Bike Ride


Ride bike for 15 minutes  for cool down. Stretch out well after.

Evening Workout Skipping - - Skip for 8 x 1.5 minute rounds with single foot touch (faster rope revolution).
Speed Bag - - 10 x 2 minute rounds with 20 sec rest between
Heavy Bag - - 10 x 1 minute rounds with 30 seconds rest between


Day 15 Tuesday

Legs, Shoulders, Calve and Forearms

Muscle Group Exercise Group Wt Reps Sets Work Rest Method
Morning Workout Bike, Jog, swim 30 minutes cardio Perform at 65% of MHR
Stretch Post workout 15 minutes
Diet As per wheel


Cardio Early pm Workout Spinning Bike A - - - - - Perform 10 minute warm-up
Legs Hack squats B 65% 10-12  8 - 2 min Warm-up to desired weight. This is a drop and catch exercise. Drop into position (thigh just above parallel) and hold for a total of 10 secs, press and lower completely 8 times explosively. This is represents one rep. Perform 8 After completing one set jump as high as you can with both legs 8 times.
Step - ups B 65%  10-12 8 - 2 min Using bar or DBs,  explode upwards and land on alternate leg, immediately explode into extension changing feet when landing on the top of the board. When finished jump as high as you can for 8 reps. This counts as one 'full-rep" (10-15 step-ups then 8 full jumps after equals one set).
Bike Sprints B *  * 20 10 sec 20 sec Done this before.
Hamstrings Good Mornings A 65% 12-15 6 - 1 min Use bar or DBs. Keep legs and lower back straight. Bend forward at the hips and pushing the butt back. Keep bar close to body as you lower and stretch. 
Stretch Leg Curl A 65% 12-15 6 - 45 sec. Hamstring stretch as before.

Shoulders - when performing warm-up please perform 2 high rep sets of rotator exercises as shown example page (follow link). High rotation (2 exercises) and low rotation (2 exercises) prior to starting shoulder program.

Shoulders Forward Lateral Raise C 70 AMAP 8 10 sec 20 sec Perform first set of 10 reps at a moderate pace "feeling the exercise". Wait 30 sec and repeat increasing tempo. Perform 3rd set again increasing tempo. Wait 30 secs and then start exercise. 10/20/10/20...etc. till finished.  AMAP (as many as possible) 10 sec work/ 20 sec. rest. WORK HARD!!!!! Perform front laterals  standing on one leg. Keep abs tight.  Side laterals use both legs on the floor. Perform reverse flyes standing in a semi squat position, leaning forward with head up. Upper body should be at a 45 degree angle.
DB Side Lateral C 65% AMAP 10 10 sec 20 sec
Reverse Flyes C 70% AMAP 10 10 sec 20 sec.
Calves DB Calve Raise B 65% 15-20 6 30m sec. 2 stage. Extension to mid point then drive to full extension and hold. Lower in control. Use calve raise board.
Stepper B 65% AMAP 16 10 sec 20 sec Done this one before. Sprint hard and extend toe explosively.
Evening Workout Foot  Speed Ladder (3 exercises - see hyperlink) C * - 12 10 sec 20 sec Warmup properly!! Check foot speed chart for exercises. Perform ladder training exercises for hockey specific training.
Sprints C * * 20 10 sec 20 sec Can be done as a hill run, bike sprints or street/track sprint. Your call on this one. (If you want to do bike sprints then perform them as a 15 sec work and 30 second light pedal). Warmup with a couple of sprints first. Start counting ten sec when you have reached maximum speed. Slow down to very slow jog or medium pace walk. Start counting to 20 when you have slowed down to desired speed. 20 sets


Day 16 Wednesday

Chest, Back, Calves and Forearms.
Muscle Group Exercise Group


Reps Sets Work Rest


Early AM workout Bike Ride or Run 30 minutes 60% MHR
Stretch Cool down 15 minutes post run or ride
Diest as per wheel Supplements


Cardio Early PM workout Spinning Bike  Warmup 10 minutes 
Biceps Bar Curls E 70% AMAP 12 10 sec 20 sec Warm-up to training weight as before.
Zottman Curls E 70% AMAP 12

10 sec

20 sec
Cable Curls (high) B 65% 4 8


30 sec

20 sec Perform high cable curls for long biceps head on one leg as before. LINK  The rest comes after the second arm has been completed. (work L, work R, and then 20 sec rest). Work this exercise as a control not as an explosive movement.
Triceps Cable Press E 70% AMAP 12 10 sec 20 sec Warm-up to training weight as before
Reverse Cable Press E 70% AMAP 12 10 sec 20 sec
DB Press B 65% 20 6 * 30 sec Perform on core ball using one leg only. Alternate left and right rotating at top of movement. Feel stretch.
Calves Calve DB Raise B 70% 12-15 10 * 30 sec Perform  using DBs and on calve raise board using only one leg at a time. 
Stepper Calve B * 20 20 * 20 sec Using moderate tension perform 20 each leg, rest for 20 sec (slow light pace) and then sprint for 20, etc.
Toe Raise Standing Toe Raise B BW 20 10 * 20 sec Standing with heels on calve raise board, pull toes up as high as possible and then lower to stretch. Hold at top for 3 sec.
Forearms Standing Bar curls B 70% 20 8 * 20 sec As before with bar behind back. Explosively.

Towel Hang



30-45 sec.



1 min

Hang onto towel and hold body weight off of floor for a minimum of 30 secs.

Evening Workout Program Shooting Wrist shots 300-500 pucks. 100 high left and right alternating 50 a side. 100 low alternating 50 a side left and right. 100 left side up and down. 100 right side up and down. 100 round the clock. Hi left, Hi right, Low left, Low right and 5 hole.
Snap Shots As above. Blade speed snap (euro style) . Draw puck and fire. Remember top hand extension and targeting with the top hand and blade tip.
Stick handling Width (wide position to full range using arms and elbow position and middle position using wrists and fingers left to right wide 50 (rest 20 sec) repeat 3 sets. left to right narrow 50 (rest 20 sec) repeat 5 sets. 5 x 5 wide / narrow for 6 sets (rest 20 sec) and repeat 3 sets. DONE


Day 17 Thursday

Shoulders, Legs and Forearms

Muscle Group


Group Wt Reps Sets Work Rest Method
Early AM workout roller blade or bike ride 30 minutes easy workout today, your pace just enjoy!
Stretch 20+ minutes post workout, relax and stretch completely
Diet Post workout Nutrition Post workout As per wheel above (supplements, etc)
Cardio Early PM Spinning Bike Warmup 10 minutes
Shoulders Explosive Upright Rows E 80% 8-10 6 45 sec Warmup to training weight. We have done this one before. Bar to top of knees and explode upwards, rotating wrists over at top of movement.
Cable Lateral Raise E 65% AMAP 12 10 sec 20 sec You know the drill. Warmup first. Perform 10 seconds work left side, immediately switch to right side, 10 sec rest  and then repeat. Stand on one leg alternating base leg as you move through sets.
Cable Reverse Lateral Raise E 65% AMAP 10 10 sec 20 sec Low position on the cable rack. Bend over 45 degrees and perform as lateral raise exercise. Alternate left and right sides. Bend knees and perform standing on one leg again switching base leg as sets progress.
DB rotations A 65% 15-20 6 * 45 seconds Taking dumbbells in each hand perform circles with your arms keeping them fairly straight but not locked out. Start out by moving the arms forward about 45 degrees to the front raising the DBs, upwards across the shoulder plane parallel to the ground and level with the shoulder backwards and then downwards to repeat. Perform first set starting to the front and the second set starting to the back. One complete circle is one rep.
Legs Stair Run C



* 3 * 2 min Find a set of steep stairs that have a minimum of 12-15 steps per floor. Grabbing DBs run in the following order: 10 flights front singles (rest) 10 flights L crossover singles (rest) 10 flights R crossover singles (rest) 10 flights double stairs and rest. This counts as one complete set. Perform this 3 times. Up the stairs as fast as possible. You may find that wrist straps help your grip (oh yeah, this is grip and forearm day as well. 00Ps.)

Cool down

Stretch and bike ride







15 minutes bike - stretch as long as it takes.

Evening Workout

Shoulders will be burnt out tonight. Work hard!!!

Boxing Shadow boxing with 3 lb DBs 8 x 1 minutes rounds (warmup correctly before). Keep on toes and keep feet moving. Rest 30 secs. COME ON!
Speed bag 8 x 1.5 minute sets with 20 sec rest.
Heavy Bag 8 x 1 minutes sets. Keep feet moving (use ankle weight for this if you can (1 lb each). rest 30 sec. 
Stretch Post workout Stretch for 15 minutes. Legs and shoulders. (get your girlfriend to give you a shoulder massage!!) :)


Day 18 Friday

Biceps, Triceps and Abs.
Muscle Group Exercise Group Wt Reps Sets Work Rest Method
Early AM workout Cardio 45 minutes bike ride or run 70% of MHR
Stretch Cool Down Post workout Stretch Legs well! 20 minutes.
Diet Recovery Supplements and meal As per wheel. 
Cardio Early PM Spinning Bike   10  MIN warm-up.
Biceps Bar Curls E 70 AMAP 10 10 sec 20 sec As performed before. Remember warm-up sets.
Zottman Curls E 65% AMAP 10 10 sec 20 sec As above. Perform on one leg.
Cable Curls A 70% 15-20 4 * 30 sec Perform on one leg. Cross cable curl. L arm/R leg, R arm/L leg, L arm/L leg, R arm/R leg = one set.
Triceps Cable Press Down B 70% 15-20 4 * 30 sec Perform single cable press down standing on one leg. Use format  above (cable curls).
DB Press B 70% 15-20 8 * 30 sec Stand on one leg. Alternate left and right arms rotating at top of extension. Rest then change legs. 
Medicine Ball Toss * * 15 6 * * Chest pass with one arm only and standing on one leg. Support ball by placing resting hand under ball while working hand pushed ball to partner (15 to 20 foot pass). Alternate arm and leg. Rest when partner works.
Abs Hanging leg raise B BW 20 6 * 30 sec Lower leg raise crunch. Side crunch L, Front, and to the R side counts as one set.
Medicine ball toss B 12 lb ball 20 6 * 30 sec  Throw ball to partner with arms extended over head. Use abdominals as the primary mover to gain momentum to toss ball not the triceps and lats. Stay up, have partner hand you the ball and repeat. Roll your torso into position (roll lower back up). Perform side throws Left for two sets, Middle position for two sets and Right for two sets.
Calves Standing DB Raise B 70% 15-20 10 * 20 Sec Done this before.
Stepper Sprints B * - - 10 sec 20 sec Done this before. You know the routine. WORK HARD!


Bike Ride or Run


10 minutes cool down and stretch.

Evening workout Foot speed Ladder training exercises as performed above
Sprints As performed above. STRETCH.



Workout No. 19  No workout today (just testing you). Enjoy and get some rest. Back to 6 day a week workouts next week (IF YOU WANT). I can increase the intensity during the week and give you the weekend off, let me know. RON