Day  1 Monday

Triceps, Biceps,  Forearms, Calves and Abs
Muscle Group Exercise Grp Wt Reps Sets Rest Method
Cardio Spinning Bike A - - - - Perform 12 minutes warm up.
Triceps French Press C 85% 5 3 2 min Explosively Perform on and keep lower back pressed against flat bench. Perform two warm-up sets using light weight in a rhythmical manner.
Reverse Press C 70% 10 Rhythmically Perform on flat bench (as above with hands in reversed position).
Vertical Cable Extension C 50% 30-40 Continuously using cable machine - standing.
Biceps Bar Curls C 85% 5 3 2 min Explosively. Perform standing using curl harness if you have one. If not keep elbows tight against sides (frontal position above hips) and hands in a wide position. Perform two warm-up sets using light weight in a rhythmical manner.



C 70% 10 Rhythmically and perform with a straight bar.

Zottman Curls

C 50% 30-40 Continuously. Perform on a small single foot balance mni board.
Forearms Standard Wrist Curls A 75% 10 3  1 min Explosively. Perform two warm-up sets using light weight in a rhythmical manner.
Reverse Curls A 75% 10 3 1 min Rhythmically
Gripper A 75% 10 3 1 min Continuously
Calves Inverted Press C 85% 5-8 3 2 min Explosively. Perform two warm-up sets using light weight in a rhythmical manner.
Seated C 75% 8-10 Rhythmically
Standing C 50% 30 Continuously, perform on calve board using DBs and both legs at the same time.
Anterior Tibia Toe Raise B 65% 15 3 2 min Same as last week. Perform as a "flex and hold" exercise for a 3 count. Lower, raise and 3 count counts as 1 rep.
Abs Hanging leg raise A BW 15-20


1 min Rhythmically
Russian Twists A 10 lb 15 3 1 min Use 10 lb medicine ball and perform on Core ball. Keep upper back on ball and reach across body with MB, crunching brining ball to above chest and down to opposite side. Repeat back and forth (1 rep).


Spinning Bike






Perform 15 minutes cool down.


Day 2 Tuesday

Chest, Back
Muscle Group Exercise Grp Wt Reps Sets Rest Method
Cardio Spinning Bike A - - - - Perform 12 minutes warm up.
Chest Bench Press C 85% 5-8 2 3 min Perform two warm-up sets using light weight in a rhythmical manner. Explosively, immediately into
Incline DB Press C 75% 10-12 Rhythmically, immediately into
Close Position push ups C BW 20-40 Continuously, take a 3 minute break between sets.
Back Seated Row - T Bar pull  B 85% 5-8 4 2 min Breathe in on exertion, explosively.
Wide Pull Down B 75% 10-12 4 2 min Front position, rhythmically
Hyper-extensions B 65% 20 3 2 min Continuous, keep momentum in control, do not hyperextend. Perform on Core Ball (lower extensions). See diagram.


Spinning Bike






Perform 15 minutes cool down.


Day 3 Wednesday

Legs,  Shoulders, and Abs
Muscle Group Exercise Grp Wt Reps Sets Rest Method
Cardio Spinning Bike A - - - - Perform 12 minutes warm up.
Legs Skating Striding * 4ea 1 min up and back x 2 is one set. Perform 4 without puck and 4 with.
Lateral Singe X-overs * 4ea 1 min Lateral crossover down and back is one set. 4 without puck and 4 with.
Crossover * 4ea 1 min 2 laps around circle L and R is one set. 3 without pucks and 3 with.
Hamstrings Ball Ham Curls A * 10 4 1 min Rhythmical using one leg only then alternate. See diagram
Ham Stretch curl  A 65% 20 3 1 min Alternate legs after each set. Keep alternating until sets completed
Shoulders Upright Rows B 85% 5-8 4 1 min Explode upwards, lower in control. Perform two warm-up sets using light weight in a rhythmical manner.
Reverse Flye B 70% 10-12  4  1 min Rhythmically
Arnold Press B 40% 30  4  1 min Continuously. Perform sitting on Core ball, one leg on ground for support only. 360 wobble board on a box can be used as well. See diagram 1 (ball) or 2 (wobble board)


Hanging raise





1 min

Rhythmically, 3 position raise, front, left side and right side twists. 

Russian Twist

Ball Crunches





1 min

Rhythmically. Perform with core ball using one foot on the foot and perform cross crunches. As mentioned earlier, 360 degree board can be used as well.


Day 4 Thursday

Triceps, Biceps,  Forearms, and Calves 
Muscle Group Exercise Grp Wt Reps Sets Rest Method
Cardio Spinning Bike A - - - - Perform 12 minutes warm up.
Triceps Triceps Press A 85% 5 3  1 min Explosively. Perform two warm-up sets using light weight in a rhythmical manner.
Reverse Press A 70% 10 3 1 min Rhythmically
Rope Press A 50% 30-40 3 1 min Continuously
Biceps Bar Curls B 85% 5 4 1 min Explosively. Perform two warm-up sets using light weight in a rhythmical manner.
Zottman Curls B 70% 10 4 45 sec Rhythmically



50% 30-40 4 45 sec Continuously
Forearms Standard Wrist Curls A 75% 10 3  1 min Rhythmically
Reverse Curls A 70% 10 3 1 min Rhythmically
Gripper A 70% 10 3 45 sec Continuously


(Lower Leg)

Inverted Press Calve Raise





2 min

Explosively. Perform two warm-up sets using light weight in a rhythmical manner.

Seated Raise


75% 10-12 6 45 sec Rhythmically

Toe Raise




3 45 sec

Rhythmically.   Keep heel on platform, raising and lowering toes. Use seated calve machine for this exercise. 

 Standing DB Calve Raise




5 1 min

Use light weights. Use board free standing. Do not hold onto anything for support. Breathe rhythmically, lowering and raising weight in control.


Day 5 Friday

Legs,  Shoulders, and Abs
Muscle Group Exercise Grp Wt Reps Sets Rest Method
Cardio Spinning Bike A - - - - Perform 12 minutes warm up.
Legs Striding 4 x 2 lengths without and with pucks
Lateral Crossovers 4 x 1 lengths without puck and 4 with
Crossovers L and R, 2 laps around circle x 4 sets without and with pucks.
Hamstrings Seated Curls A 75% 10 3 1 min Rhythmical
Ham Stretch curl  A 65% 20 3 1 min Alternate legs after each set. Keep alternating until sets completed
Shoulders Upright Rows C 85% 5-8






2 min



Perform two warm-up sets using light weight in a rhythmical manner. Explode upwards, lower in control
Reverse Flye C 70% 10-12 Rhythmically
Arnold Press C 40% 30 Continuously. Perform sitting on Core ball, one leg on ground for support only. 360/180 degree  wobble board on a box can be used as well.


Hanging raise





1 min

Rhythmically, 3 position raise, front, left side and right side twists. 

Russian Twist

Ball Crunches





1 min

Rhythmically. Perform with core ball using one foot on the foot and perform cross crunches. As mentioned earlier, 360 degree board can be used as well.


Day 6 Saturday

Triceps, Biceps,  Forearms, and Calves 
Muscle Group Exercise Grp Wt Reps Sets Rest Method
Cardio Spinning Bike A - - - Perform 12 minutes warm up.
Triceps Tricep Press B 85% 5 3  1 min Explosively. Perform two warm-up sets using light weight in a rhythmical manner.
Reverse Press B 70% 10 3 1 min Rhythmically
Rope Press B 50% 30-40 3 1 min Continuously
Biceps Bar Curls A 85% 5 5 1 min Explosively. Perform two warm-up sets using light weight in a rhythmical manner.
Zottman Curls A 70% 10 5 1 min Rhythmically



A 50% 30-40 5 1 min Continuously
Forearms Standard Wrist Curls C 85% 5-8 2  2 min Rhythmically
Reverse Curls C 75% 10 Rhythmically
Gripper C 50% 30 Continuously, concentrate on pulling fingers up not pushing thumbs and wrists downward to raise weight.


(giant set includes Toe raises for Anterior Tibia

Inverted Press Calve Raise





2 min

Perform two warm-up sets using light weight in a rhythmical manner. Explosively, immediately into

Seated Raise




Rhythmically, immediately into

Toe Raise C 70% 10-12 Rhythmically, immediately into

 Standing DB Calve Raise




Use light weights. Use board free standing. Do not hold onto anything for support. Breathe rhythmically, lowering and raising weight in control.



 Week three completed. Take the day off. Proper diet and rest