Two Day Split Program - Updated on the 9th of July, 2002

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7















Back   Chest   Cardio   Back   Chest   Off  



Shoulder   Triceps   Cardio   Shoulders   Triceps   Off  



Biceps   Shoulder*   Cardio   Biceps   Shoulder*   Off  



Legs   Forearms   Cardio   Legs   Forearms   Off  



Hams   Calves   Cardio   Hams   Calves   Off  








  Abs   Off  



Cardio program is a minimum of 45 min to 1.5 hours. Add 15 minutes per workout until the 1.5 hours is reached. Cardio is AEROBIC. Aerobic Sprint Cycles will be added as program progresses.

Please note that the following is a basic foundation program that should be done for a minimum of 3-4 weeks depending on the conditioning level of the athlete. I will be posting more sport specific information on this page as a training log (core, balance, sport specific, etc) but this program can be used for up to 6 to 8 weeks then  will progress into the explosive power program. More later. RON

Week 1 - 4 Training Program

Day 1 and 4  Workout Procedure and Intensity Table

You will notice below that sets show 3 - 6 or 3 - 8 etc. Add one additional set to your workout per week. It should take you 6 weeks to get to 6 sets and 8 weeks to get to 8 sets. A light cardio workout for 10 minutes to get body warmed up prior to starting program. 

Muscle Grp






Back T-Bar Pull / Seated Row (machine) 3-6 10-12 1.5 min Palms Up Grip - Rhythmically. Breathe in when pulling.
Wide Pulls Palms forward - Rhythmically. Frontal position. Breathe in.
Hyper Extensions 3 15 Do not hyper-extend - to parallel only. Breathe in when raising wt.
Shoulders Upright Rows 3-5 10-12 2 min Perform as a super-set. Both exercises together, one immediately after the other.  Breathe in when raising weight.
Incline Reverse Fly 3-6 Perform as a super-set. Both exercises together, one immediately after the other. Breathe in when raising weight.
Side Laterals
Biceps Preacher Curls 3-8 12-15 1 min Wide Grip Position
Zottman Curls Continuous. Breathe in when lifting left and right - out left and right. One breathe, one complete rep for both left and right sides.  
Legs Squats - Smith machine 3-8 5 2 min Wide foot position - use balance board between sets (mini board shown on site). Use rhythmic movements - up and down in control. PROPER form. Check link to left.
Hack Squats Perform as a super set doing step ups immediately after hack squats. use controlled continuous movements. On hack squats, lower to parallel and hold for 3 sec then perform 5 complete extensions (this counts as one rep - hold, up and down 5 times).
Step Ups
Hamstrings Seated Curl 3 12-15 1 min Perform in control, feeling light stretch at extension and curling towards butt. Hold on extension and lower in control.
Ham Stretch Curl  3-5 12-15 * Take to stretch point and curl keeping knee and thigh in high position. Use light weights and move weight in a continuous movement. *Alternate legs continuous until finished. 
Good Mornings 3-5 10 30 sec Using dumbbells and standing straight, lower weights towards floor, pushing butt backwards and keeping the legs straight (not extended and not tense. Knees can be bent very slightly if poor flexibility). Only lower weight until you feel light pull in back of legs. Keep back straight and head erect looking forward (do not arch back).
A light cardio workout for 10-15 minutes should be used as a cool down.  Stretch out hams, groin, gluts, thighs, and lower back post workout. 

Week 1 - 4 Training

Day 2 and 5  Workout Procedure and Intensity Table  

You will notice below that sets show 3 - 6 or 3 - 8 etc. Add one additional set to your workout per week. It should take you 6 weeks to get to 6 sets and 8 weeks to get to 8 sets. A light cardio workout for 10 minutes to get body warmed up prior to starting program.

Muscle Grp Exercise Sets Reps Rest


Chest DB Flys 3 - 6 10-12 2 min Perform as a super-set. Both exercises together, one immediately after the other.
Bench Press
Dips 3 - 6 10-12 2 min Perform as a super-set. Both exercises together, one immediately after the other.
Incline Bench Press
Triceps Press Down 3 - 6 10-12 1 min Perform as a super-set. Both exercises together, one immediately after the other.
Reverse Press
Kick backs 3 - 6 Perform as a super-set. Both exercises together, one immediately after the other.
Vertical Press
Shoulders Arnold Press 3 - 6 10 - 12 2 min Perform as a super-set. Both exercises together, one immediately after the other.
Forward DB Lateral raise
Cable Side Lat raise 30 Perform single arm. Alternate once set is complete to other arm. After completing other arm, rest for 30 sec and repeat.
Forearms Standard bar curl 3 - 6 15-20 1.5 min Bar across knees. Stretch out and use continuous movement (raising and lowering).
Reverse bar curl Bar across knees. Stretch out and use continuous movement (raising and lowering).
Gripper 3 10-12 1 min Use a towel or DB finger roll if you do not have a gripper in your gym.
Calves Standing Bar 4-8 15-20 2 min Perform as a super-set. Both exercises together, one immediately after the other.
DB Raise
Seated Raise 3-6 15-20 2 min Perform as a super-set. Both exercises together, one immediately after the other.
Toe Raise

Wobble Brd


3 *30 secs @ * Perform continuous alternating left to right
Abs Lower Ab Curls 3 - 6 15-20 1 min Perform exercises in control and continuous movement.
Russian Twists
Side Bends 3 12-15 30 sec Rest then repeat left side then right side
A light cardio workout for 10-15 minutes should be used as a cool down.  Stretch out hams, groin, gluts, thighs, and lower back post workout.



Copyright © 1996 by Ron Johnson. All rights reserved.