Week No. 3   

It is absolutely necessary to get the right amount of protein, carbs, vitamins and minerals over the next 6 weeks. As well, rest is important. Remember  the following:

Exercise stimulates hGH (human growth hormone) release in the body. So do high temperatures. It is recommended that you train in a warm environment – above 74 to 76 degrees.

Avoid going to bed with a bellyful of carbohydrates. High blood glucose will inhibit hGH release exactly when you need it the most.

Maximum Heart Rate (MHR) 220 - your age.


Max. HR



























This is a Daily Training Log. The objective of this program is to train several times per day to maximize muscle growth. Please understand that this chart is based on large resource base and may be contradictory to what you know. Please forward me (by email) any resource information that contradicts this writing. Many thanks RON
Time Activity Notes 1 Comments
2:30 am Protein Drink (meal 1 - sort of) Get up, drink and go back to bed.  Low glycemic (low in glycemic index as below)
7:00 am Get up Check resting heart rate Write down in this log above each days workout.
7:10 am Stretch, warm-up Cardio workout 45 minutes 65% of Maximum heart rate per age. as in chart below.
7:55 am Protein shake minimum of 30 grams of protein and vitamins, minerals as well as L-Glutamine
8:00 am Cool down/stretch Work those tight muscles; hamstrings, low back, hip flexors, shoulders, wrists.
8:30 am Eat breakfast Simple carbs as shown in meal one above 
9:00 am Crash / nap or easy relaxing activities.
9:05 am Creatine 5 grams  maximum Providing you have done your loading phase.
10:00 am Next workout Weight training  Body of your program. Take your weakest muscle groups and train them first or as in day 1 below (chest only). Remember to drink lots of water.
11:00 am Finished Take protein shake Minimum of 30 grams of protein. Take while stretching and do not guzzle and bloat yourself.
11:05 am Stretch/cool down Again, tight muscle groups as well as the muscles that you just worked.
11:30 am Meal 2 As above (lighten up on the protein requirement by half due to the shake that you just took earlier.
Noon Relax, nap light activities
12:45 pm up and get moving Pre training activity, warm-up get to gym, cobwebs out of your head, etc.
12:50 pm Creatine 5 grams maximum
1:15 pm Next workout Weight training Second phase of your program; remainder of exercises or second half or as in day one below (back only).
2:00 pm Protein shake minimum of 20 grams of protein light shake not a heavy one. Two cans of boost etc. as well as your minerals, vitamins, and Glucosamine / Condroitin (joint supplements) and glutamine.
2:05 pm Stretch You know what to do.
3:00 pm Carb meal 3 As above or substitute and again, cut protein in meal in half.
3:30 pm relax / crash
4:15 pm get going to gym etc.
4:30 pm Next workout Weights Abs and core as in day one and flexibility.
5:30 pm Protein shake minimum of 20 grams of protein
5:35 pm Stretch/cool-down If you haven't done this yet.
6:00 pm Meal 4  Low glycemic meal as per above See chart on glycemic index.
7:00 pm L-Glutamine 20 minutes before weight session
7:30 pm Training session 4 Boxing, shooting, stick-handling Work hard!! 45 minutes
8:15 pm Protein shake minimum 20 grams
8:20 pm Stretch and relax Take your vitamins. minerals, etc before meal 5

8:30 pm

Meal 5

Carbs and meal 5 as above

9: 30 pm


All those tight muscles and relax

10:00 pm

Lights out

Get ready for tomorrow.


Score out of 100


Score out of 100












White potatoes

Mashed potatoes

Broad Beans

Soy Beans









Kidney Beans


Sweet Potatoes










Equatorial fruits

Dried Fruits









Northern Fruits





Grains and Pastas:

White Flour Spaghetti


White Flour Pancakes

White Rice

White Break







Grains and Pastas:

Whole Wheat Spaghetti


Brown Rice

Whole Wheat Bread

Buckwheat pancakes








All milk, cheese, yogurt and meats all have glycemic indexes in the:


Chose protein sources low in fat content.


Work out split on a two per day weight training session

Day 1 - 92

Cardio 1 a.m. (heavy)

Legs and Forearms a.m. 2

Shoulders / Calves in p.m. 3

Foot Speed pm 4

Day 2 - 93

Sprinting Heavy

Chest a.m. 2

Back / abs in p.m. 3

Boxing pm 4

Day 3 - 94

Cardio 1 a.m. (light)

Biceps/Abs a.m.2

Triceps and Calves in p.m. 3

Shooting/stick-handling 4

Day 4 - 95

Sprinting Moderate

Shoulders a.m. 2

Legs in p.m. 3

Boxing 4

Day 5 - 96

Cardio 1 a.m. (mod)

Biceps/Abs a.m. 2 Triceps and Calves in p.m. 3 OFF Have fun!!
Players at the conditioning camp will have the long weekend off (3 days). If  you are following this program repeat day 2 with the exception of stick handling.

Day 6 - 97

Sprinting Heavy

Chest/Calves a.m.2 a.m. 2

Back and Abs in p.m. 3

Shooting/stick-handling 4

Day 7 - 98






Week 3

Legs, Shoulders, Calve and Forearms  DAY 1

Muscle Group Exercise Group Wt Reps Sets Work Rest Method
Morning Workout Bike, Jog 45 minutes cardio Perform at 65-70% of MHR
Stretch Post workout 15 minutes
Diet As per wheel
Cardio Early pm Workout Spinning Bike A Perform 10 minute warm-up
Legs Hack squats C 70% AMAP  6 20 sec 3 min Warm-up to desired weight. This is a drop and catch exercise. Do as many reps in 20 secs as possible then immediately go to next exercise (drop and catch is described as: let the weight free fall and then catch and drive it upwards explosively).
Step - ups C 65%  6 Using bar or DBs,  explode upwards and land on alternate leg, immediately explode into extension changing feet when landing on the top of the board. As many reps in 20 secs as you can
Jumps C BW 6 As many reps in 20 sec that you can do
Bike Sprints C 50% 6 As many reps in 20 sec that you can do
Quad Stretch C _ 6 30 sec Stretch out quads for 30 secs and hold stretch then rest for 3 minutes and repeat the above cycle.
Hamstrings Core Leg Curl A BW 12-15 6 1 min Use one leg on core ball (we did this one previously)
Good Mornings A 65% 12-15 6 45 sec. Use bar or DBs. Keep legs and lower back straight. Bend forward at the hips and pushing the butt back. Keep bar close to body as you lower and stretch. 

Shoulders - when performing warm-up please perform 2 high rep sets of rotator exercises as shown example page (follow link). High rotation (2 exercises) and low rotation (2 exercises) prior to starting shoulder program.

Shoulders Forward Lateral Raise C 70% AMAP 6 20 sec 2 min. Warmup to training weight and then perform as giant set.  AMAP (as many as possible) perform as many reps as possible in 20 sec then move immediately into next exercise and then  rest for 2 minutes after. WORK HARD!!!!! Perform front laterals  standing on one leg. Keep abs tight.  Side laterals use one leg only  on the floor. T-Bar position with elbow rotated out and upwards to increase load demand on the back of the shoulders.
Cable Side Lateral C
Reverse Pulls (T-Bar) C






30 sec

Stretch out shoulder for 30 sec and hold stretch then rest for 2 min and repeat.


DB Calve Raise





10 sec

20 sec

2 stage. Extension to mid point then drive to full extension and hold. Lower in control. Use calve raise board.






10 sec

20 sec

Done this one before. Sprint hard and extend toe explosively.


Week 3

Chest, Back and Abs  DAY 2

Muscle Group









Cardio Early AM

RUN hills or stairs.

30 minutes

Warmup first and then sprint 10 secs up hill (on toes of course since the hill will be steep. Walk back down for 30 sec. (return to starting point)  then repeat. You should get 20 sets. Wear your ankle and wrist weights please. If no hill then use stair climber as follows: 1 min at 80, 30 sec 90, 20 sec 100, 10 sec 110, 20 sec 80, 10 sec 120 and 20 sec at 80 and so on. Repeat for 120/80 for 20 minutes.


Post workout

15 minutes


As per workout wheel Supplements
Cardio Early PM Spinning Bike Pre-workout  10 minute warmup
Chest Bench Press C 75% AMAP 4 20 sec 3 min Warmup to training weight. Perform as many reps as you can in 20 secs. Immediately go into next exercise and repeat procedure. These exercises are to be performed as a giant set ending with a 30 sec pec stretch.


Cable Flyes - Flat bench 70% AMAP 4
Cable Crossovers - Standing 50 AMAP 4
Close grip pushups - Keep elbows by your sides. BW AMAP 4 Elbows against sides, hands under shoulders. Wait 5 minutes after exercise to rest before moving on.
Pec Stretch - - 4 30 sec Hold stretch for 30 seconds then take a 3 minute break. Then repeat 3 more sets.


Narrow Chins





20 sec

3 min

Remember warm-up sequence. In all chin exercises, lower to almost full extension and raise body weight so that arms are pulled to below parallel position. PERFORM AS MANY REPS AS POSSIBLE IN TIME ALLOTTED even if you can only do 1 or 2.

Wide Front Chins




20 sec

Pull body weight up to chin level.

Pull overs





Lying face up on a bench, take a dumbbell between your index fingers and thumbs, slight bend in the elbows, loer weight down past the top of your head (like skill crushers or french press) until you feel a light stretch under the arms. Exhale and bring weight back up over your forehead, inhale and lower. Repeat for 15 reps.


Hanging Leg Raise






30 sec

Perform using arm slings or leg raise stand.

Russian Twists






20 sec

Knees bent, partner standing on toes for support. Three position Left side (45 degree up and away from body), Mid (over head) and Right Side (45 degrees up and away from body). Use abs to through ball or obliques (sides)

Standing Side Throw 






30 sec

Standing with feet shoulder width apart holding on to 10-15 lb medicine ball, start with ball to side and toss to partner, catch on return and rotate to opposite side and throw back. Alternate side to side (counts as 1 rep) then rest.


Bike Ride


Ride bike for 10 minutes  for cool down. Stretch out well after.

Evening Workout

Speed Bag

8 x 2 minute rounds with 20 sec rest between

Heavy Bag

10 x 1 minute rounds with 30 seconds rest between


Week 3

Biceps, Triceps, Calves and Abs   DAY 3
Muscle Group Exercise Group


Reps Sets Work Rest Method
Early AM workout Bike Ride  45 minutes 60% MHR
Stretch Cool down 15 minutes post run or ride
Diest as per wheel Supplements
Cardio Early PM workout Spinning Bike  Warmup 10 minutes 
Biceps Bar Curls (a) C 75% AMAP 8 30 sec 2 min. Warm-up to training weight as before.
Zottman Curls 75% AMAP
Cable Curls (high) 65% 20 Perform high cable curls for long biceps head on one leg as before. LINK  The rest comes after the second arm has been completed. (work L, work R, and then 20 sec rest)
Biceps (2) B 65% 6 6 30 sec 30 sec Keep elbows locked against sides with wrist in wide position. Bend arms slightly so that the biceps muscle is loaded. Hold in this position for 30 sec then perform 5 curls in a row, rest and repeat for 6 sets.
Triceps Cable Press C 80% AMAP 8 30 sec 2 min Warm-up to training weight as before. Perform as many reps in 30 secs that you can and immediately go into the next exercise. Rem
Reverse Cable Press 70% AMAP
DB Press 65% AMAP Perform this exercise sitting on a core ball with one leg. Raise and lower weight alternately left and right. Lower to stretch point. Keep abs tight and back straight.
Calves Calve DB Raise B 70% 12-15 10 * 30 sec Perform  using DBs and on calve raise board using only one leg at a time. 
Stepper Calve B * 20 20 * 20 sec Using moderate tension perform 20 each leg, rest for 20 sec (slow light pace) and then sprint for 20, etc.
Toe Raise Standing Toe Raise B BW 20 10 * 20 sec Standing with heels on calve raise board, pull toes up as high as possible and then lower to stretch. Hold at top for 3 sec.
Abs Twists B BW 20 8 * 30 sec Knees bent, partner standing on toes for support. Three position Left side (45 degree up and away from body), Mid (over head) and Right Side (45 degrees up and away from body). Use abs to through ball or obliques (sides)
Hang Leg Raise B BW 10 6 * 1 min L-M-R position counts as one rep. We have done these before.
Cable Cross Twists B 12 lb 12-15 10 * 30 sec Standing with feet spread apart bend upper body from hips at approx. 45 degrees. Have cable handling in high position with palm down. If using right arm rotate rt. shoulder upwards slightly with elbow in high position on top of arm. Pull handle down and across your body (slap shot action) rotating shoulders as you do so. Breathe out on exertion, in when raising weight. Alternate left and right sides. 

Evening Workout Program


Wrist shots

300-500 pucks. 100 high left and right alternating 50 a side. 100 low alternating 50 a side left and right. 100 left side up and down. 100 right side up and down. 100 round the clock. Hi left, Hi right, Low left, Low right and 5 hole.

Snap Shots

As above. Blade speed snap (euro style) . Draw puck and fire.

Stick handling

Width (wide position to full range using arms and elbow position and middle position using wrists and fingers

left to right wide 50 (rest 20 sec) repeat 3 sets. left to right narrow 50 (rest 20 sec) repeat 5 sets. 5 x 5 wide / narrow for 6 sets (rest 20 sec) and repeat 3 sets. DONE


Week 3

Shoulders, Legs    DAY 4  

Muscle Group


Group Wt Reps Sets Work Rest Method
Early AM workout bike ride or hill sprint AGAIN 30 minutes Find a hill that you can ride up (steep) or at least try to...kidding. Put bike into 2nd lowest gear and ride up hill as hard as you can for a min of 30 sec. Turn and glide back down. Rest and put bike into 3rd and repeat working up through 4,5,6,5,4,3,2 resting between each for 30 sec. (after you reach the bottom - will be 45 seconds at least overall). Or sprint as before with ankle and wrist weights. If no hill or use stepper at in day 86.
Stretch 20+ minutes post workout, relax and stretch completely
Diet Post workout Nutrition Post workout As per wheel above (supplements, etc)
Cardio Early PM Spinning Bike Warmup 10 minutes
Shoulders Explosive Rows and Press. C 80% 8-10 6 2 min Warmup to training weight. We have done this one before.  Bar to top of knees and explode upwards, rotating wrists over at top of movement and drop into parallel position on the catch and explode bar over head. Hold, lower and repeat. After each set jump as high as you can for 5 reps. 
DB side laterals 65% AMAP 30 sec  Perform using both arms at the same time. Stand on one leg.
DB Side laterals 65% AMAP Immediately bend over to an angle of 45 degrees and perform reverse lateral raise.
DB Reverse Raise E 5 lb DB AMAP 8 10 sec 20 sec This is a sport specific action designed to maximize your slap shot loading phase. Bend over approx. 45 degrees resting support arm on bench. Keep palm down and arm straight. Explode upwards as quickly as possible - DB free falls downward, catch and snap upwards again. 10 sec. left side, 10 sec. right side, 10 sec rest and repeat.
Legs Hack squats C 70% AMAP  6 20 sec 3 min Warm-up to desired weight. This is a drop and catch exercise. Do as many reps in 20 secs as possible then immediately go to next exercise (remember the directions from day 1)
Step - ups C 65%  6 Using bar or DBs,  explode upwards and land on alternate leg, immediately explode into extension changing feet when landing on the top of the board. As many reps in 20 secs as you can
Jumps C BW 6 As many reps in 20 sec that you can do
Bike Sprints C 50% 6 As many reps in 20 sec that you can do
Quad Stretch C _ 6 30 sec Stretch out quads for 30 secs and hold stretch then rest for 3 minutes and repeat.
Calves C



* 6 * 2 min Find a set of steep stairs that have a minimum of 12-15 steps per floor. Grabbing DBs walk stairs using complete calve extension to get you to the next flight. Extend foot completely on each thrust. When walking down, maintain a smooth controlled descent NOT PLODDING.

Cool down

Stretch and bike ride


15 minutes bike - stretch as long as it takes.

Evening Workout


Shadow boxing with 3 lb DBs

8 x 1 minutes rounds (warmup correctly before). Keep on toes and keep feet moving. Rest 30 secs. COME ON!

Speed bag

8 x 1.5 minute sets with 20 sec rest.

Heavy Bag

8 x 1 minutes sets. Keep feet moving (use ankle weight for this if you can (1 lb each). rest 30 sec. 



Post workout

Stretch for 15 minutes. Legs and shoulders.


Week 3

Biceps, Triceps and Abs.    DAY 5
Muscle Group Exercise Group Wt Reps Sets Work Rest Method
Early AM workout Cardio 45 minutes bike ride or run 70% of MHR
Stretch Cool Down Post workout Stretch Legs well! 20 minutes.
Diet Recovery Supplements and meal As per wheel. 
Cardio Early PM Spinning Bike   10  MIN warm-up.
Biceps Bar Curls C 80 AMAP 6 30 sec 2 min As performed before. Remember warm-up sets.
Zottman Curls 65% AMAP As above. Perform on one leg.
Cable Curls 70% AMAP Perform on one leg. Cross cable curl. L arm/R leg, R arm/L leg, L arm/L leg, R arm/R leg = one set. Alternate left arm, right arm (not one arm at a time for complete set but alternate left and right through set).
Biceps (2) Perform as described above in the static  hold variation.  45 seconds hold, 5 quick reps and 3 sets. Rest for 20 sec. this time.
Triceps Cable Press Down C 75% AMAP 8 30 sec 2 min Perform this set as a complete unit. Move from one exercise into the other immediately. Perform single cable press down standing on one leg. Use format  above (cable curls).
Reverse Press Down 75% AMAP
Medicine Ball Toss * 15 Chest pass with one arm only and standing on one leg. Support ball by placing resting hand under ball while working hand pushed ball to partner (15 to 20 foot pass). Alternate arm and leg. Rest when partner works.
Abs Hanging leg raise B BW 20 6 * 30 sec Lower leg raise crunch. Side crunch L, Front, and to the R side counts as one set.
Medicine ball toss B 12 lb ball 20 6 * 30 sec  Throw ball to partner with arms extended over head. Use abdominals as the primary mover to gain momentum to toss ball not the triceps and lats. Stay up, have partner hand you the ball and repeat. Roll your torso into position (roll lower back up). Perform side throws Left for two sets, Middle position for two sets and Right for two sets.


Bike Ride or Run



10 minutes cool down and stretch.